Current Lab Members
Bradleigh Cocker (PhD student)
Jacob Leese (PhD student)

Dr Rahul Sharma (Research Fellow)
Matthew Dooley (PhD student)
Peter Harrison (PhD student)

Previous Lab Members

Dr Andrew Peel (Group Leader)
Lecturer in Animal Biology, School of Biology
BSc, Edinburgh; PhD 2006, Cambridge
Research Interests
Evolutionary Developmental Biology in Animals
I am interested in how animal evolution occurs at different levels of biological complexity; i.e. genetic, cellular, organismal and ecological. My research efforts to date have focused on understanding how diversity in animal body plans evolved. Animals obtain their species-specific morphological characteristics during embryonic development and/or metamorphosis. My work therefore compares the genetic and cellular mechanisms controlling embryogenesis in different animal species in order to identify the molecular changes that underpinned divergence in animal body plans during evolution.
Contact details:
Miall 8.22 | +44(0) 113 34 32822 |
Email - a.d.peel[at]leeds.ac.uk

Peel Laboratory
for Evolution & Development